academic auidt form_time table_facultylistAnnexures:
- Point 02: Status of NAAC Accreditation
- Point 03: List of Faculty Publication
- Point 03: First Pages of Faculty Publication
- Point 03: First Pages of Faculty Publication-2
- Point 03: First Pages of Faculty Publication-3
- Point 03: LMS
- Point 03: Classrooms with Mounted Projectors and ICT Facilities
- Point 04: Institutional Support for Faculty Development
- Point 05: Framework for Students' Grievance Redressal Mechanism
- Point 06: Institutional support for University Examination
- Point 07: Status of Library Journals
- Point 08: Status of Laboratories (Art & Craft Lab)
- Point 08: Status of Laboratories (Curriculum Lab)
- Point 08: Status of Computer Labs
- Point 08: Microsoft Campus Agreement for all software
- Point 08: 200 mbps Internet Connection
- Point 09: Co-Curricular Activities conducted by Institute
- Point 10: Publications of the Institute
- Point 11: Sports Facility in the Institute
- Point 12: Status of Placements in the Institute
- Point 13: General Parameter about the Institute
- Point 14: Feedback Facilities in the Institute